Local climate solutions powered by faith communities.


FACS is in Court Against Youngkin

On August 21, we filed our lawsuit in Fairfax Circuit Court – with three other environmental organizations – to block Governor Youngkin from pulling Virginia out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and reversing all the progress we’ve made to combat the climate crisis.

Virginians overwhelmingly support RGGI, which has already lowered power plant emissions by 16.8% and generated over $650 million for vital climate projects. As believers in the sacred beauty of our planet and stewards of the environment, we must come together once again to stand against a decision that threatens the very heart of our values. 

This is a battle we must win. For young people. For us all. 


Tree of Life Community Kickoff

What is it? A group of us meeting to learn, discuss, and exchange information and ideas about preserving, restoring, and expanding natural systems on the grounds of faith communities. We'll focus on planting native trees and plants, establishing community gardens, removing invasive species to save native trees, composting, and implementing sustainable landscaping and lawn care techniques.

Our kickoff meeting is Thursday, September 21 from 3 - 4 p.m. EST via Zoom. Margaret Fisher from Plant NOVA Natives will be our speaker.


Celebrating National Drive Electric Week 

As part of our Clean Cars campaign, FACS will celebrate National Drive Electric Week by co-hosting the Northern Virginia EV Showcase on Sunday, October 1, from 1 - 5 p.m. EST at George Mason University's parking lot L off of Braddock Road in Fairfax. Come see and learn about a variety of EV models, all in one place! For more information and to register to show your EV, click here. And please invite your friends, neighbors, and congregations! Registration is not required for attendees. 


Calling all Fairfax County Tree Advocates!

Train to be a Fairfax County tree policy advocate with Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions and Nature Forward! Constituent voices are a powerful tool in our advocacy toolbox and this set of four interactive, online trainings (from October 2022 - January 2024) will help you gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to advocate for creating a healthy environment for people and nature in the face of the current climate crisis. Learn more and register for free.


Faith Community Spotlight  – Fairfax Presbyterian Church

Fairfax Presbyterian Church celebrated Earth Day this year by planting a pizza garden! During their celebration, they built a three-part raised garden bed, filled it with soil, and planted seeds and sprouts provided by Interfaith Power and Light. Families from Fairfax Presbyterian have been helping to tend the garden all summer and are looking forward to a pizza party this fall using the vegetables they’ve grown. What a great way to celebrate and care for creation while also enjoying some delicious food!


 2023 VA Election Time is Coming

  • Sept 22- First day of in-person early voting at your local registrar's office
  • Oct 16- Deadline to register to vote or update existing registration 
  • Oct 27 - Deadline for an absentee ballot to be mailed to you. (Requests must be received by 5:00pm) 
  • Nov 4 - Last day of in-person early voting at your local registrar. (Be sure all mailed ballots are postmarked on or before Election Day)
  • Nov 7 - Election Day!

Click here to check your registration status and polling location. For Fairfax residents, click here to read the Fairfax candidates' replies to the questionnaire prepared by the Fairfax Healthy Coalition, of which FACS is a member.


Nature Corner 

We are being challenged to find ways to survive through temperatures hotter than any of us have ever experienced before, and because of this we need to continue taking action. In order to make an impact some of actions are under our direct reach and responsibility but others require the will of our government officials. And yet some require the effort and commitment from both sides. Read here to get inspiration for actions you can take that are directly within your control. 



Be sure to visit our online calendar to see when Hub monthly meetings happen, what FACS events are on the horizon, and what community events are being planned by other groups.

Central Valley Hub Updates

We are continuing to develop climate resources for local faith communities which we are posting on our website, including a climate advocacy model created by one of our congregations. All ages gathered after a worship service this summer to write letters and make phone calls to local and state political leaders.

A task group is developing our plan to disperse the grant we received from Clean Virginia to publicize and facilitate applications to Community Housing Partners (CHP) for house weatherization for low income households. We are debriefing and learning from our pilot project this year as we invite other local nonprofits to join us in this effort in 2024. CHP has reported an increase in applications. They only received 25 from our area in 2022 and are now receiving about 6-8 applications each month.


Fairfax County Hub Updates

Fairfax Hub Speaker Series

Come hear about these efforts and how we can help.

  • SEPT 21: John Morrill, interim director OEEC. Update on Operational Energy Strategy Projects: energy efficiency retrofits, solar installations. 
  • OCT 19: Rachael Domer (to be confirmed), program manager of Technology & Engineering Education. Update on FCPS workforce development plans for solar installation and EV mechanics career paths and job training.
  • NOV 30: Cindy Speas, Tree Commissioner. Update on efforts to conserve and expand tree canopy and funding the Tree Action Plan of 2019.
  • No December Hub meeting.

Nourishing Our Own Resilience in the Face of Climate Anxiety
The natural world is suffering, and so are we. How do we face that? By sharing our experiences, of both loss and joy. By strengthening our bonds to the world and its future. By finding our own gifts, strengths and resources to meet the challenges in front of us. Read here how this hub is putting Faith Into Action.

If you are not already on our list, sign up for Fairfax updates here. If you have any questions, please email kristin.rosenthal@gmail.com.

Arlington County Hub Updates

In August, members of the Arlington Hub continued holding meetings with County and School Board leaders to advance facility operations and climate programming in the public schools.

For our September meeting, we're going to meet in person for a planning session. We'll identify how to meaningfully, tangibly support local climate initiatives - in the community and in our congregations - and, thus, shape how the Hub functions going forward. We'll approach the discussion mindful of our FACS interfaith grounding and our FACS priorities to learn, act and pursue equity.

The FACS Arlington Hub meets on the 1st Wednesdays of each month at 7pm. Typically, we meet virtually; although, for September we'll be meeting in person. 

Sign up for Arlington updates if you are not already on our list. If you have any questions, please email info@faithforclimate.org.

City of Alexandria Hub Updates

Alexandria hub members will be following the city's Zoning for Housing/Housing for All initiative. This is an important effort for both equity and sustainability. September 14, Oct. 5 and 12, all at 6pm, are the next community meetings.

Alexandria's Office of Climate Action is planning multiple initiatives this Fall that the hub also plans to help promote among our local faith communities and neighbors. Be on the lookout for details on how you can help spread the word and participate! 

Next hub meeting will be in October. Stay tuned for date/time/location.

Sign up for Alexandria updates if you are not already on our list. If you have any questions, please email info@faithforclimate.org.

Join a Local Advocacy Hub!

Stay connected with local news, meeting reminders, advocacy opportunities and action alerts, community wins, and more!

FACS' Monthly Sustainability Tip

If you're looking for a fun weekend activity, then consider checking out your local farmers' market. Supporting local farmers means that the number of miles your food had to travel is significantly decreased and it gives you a great opportunity to eat produce that is in season. Enjoy the end of summer with friends and family outside at the market.

Inspired to give beyond time and talent? Donate today and support FACS' work.


Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions
PO Box 2012  | Reston, Virginia 20195
703-239-3748 | info@faithforclimate.org

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