|  | | Reflecting and Renewing Everyone talked about 20/20 vision at the end of 2019. No one predicted the challenges we would face: heartbreaking wildfires in Australia and California, a devastating global pandemic, and a culmination of building tension that led to global protests against racial injustice. Despite its challenges, we prefer to see 2020 as a call for unity. Perhaps never before has this generation felt a daily call to love our neighbor: we wore masks, we didn't travel to see family at holidays, and we became highly creative in how we worked and worshiped. We started spreading good news. Clear priorities emerged during shutdowns, helping us focus on what really mattered. Maybe there was some 20/20 vision after all? As we pause to reflect on a tumultuous year, we recognize that hope is still on the horizon and there are reasons to be grateful. You gave with generous hearts in a year when our reflex could have been to hold onto everything more tightly. We held virtual events and you showed up. As we renewed our commitment to climate action and climate justice, so did you. You voiced your values in Climate in the Pulpits and donated to us on GivingTuesday and to our End of Year campaign, helping to ensure our important work will thrive in 2021. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. We’re thrilled to have you by our side and look forward to continuing to showcase bold faith in action this year. | | | |  | | Event Alert! We’re ready to start 2021 off strong and we hope you’ll join us! Our Virtual Advocacy Workshop and Training will take place THIS Thursday, January 7 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. It’s free to attend and you’ll walk away with practical information on reducing the waste stream, carbon neutrality, and climate resilience. You’ll also receive tools to translate your values into action. Don’t miss it! | | | | | Chapter Updates -
Fairfax County -
Prince William County -
Alexandria - FACS is proud to announce that we have recently begun organizing in the City of Alexandria. By assembling in Alexandria, we are honoring our commitment to uniting people of faith within Northern Virginia to develop local climate solutions. Do you live in Alexandria and wish for the City to support climate priorities in the budget? Submit a comment and learn more about updates related to Alexandria.
| | | | | Become a Net Zero Hero FACS invites your faith community to make a Net Zero Pledge to commit to net zero by 2050 or sooner! Any community can take low-cost actions to reduce energy costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions through the new Net Zero track in our Tree of Life eco-actions program. Join faith communities across the region that share this commitment and learn together. By signing up, you will receive the FACS Net Zero Commitment Handbook, which will guide you through the steps we've highlighted in our infographic with resources, tips, and strategies. | | | Success in achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 can only take place if citizens, businesses, government, and faith campuses are all working in harmony. Together we can leverage the moral force of our communities already concerned about climate change and intensify their actions to cut emissions! Be sure to keep an eye out for our Net Zero Commitment webinar series launching late first quarter! We will break down each step and highlight faith communities that are already well along their way to net zero. And we look forward to sharing your experiences and successes! We are all in this together. | | | | | | Community Partner Spotlight Holiday Lights Recycling Drive Did you know that MOM’s Organic Market recycles old holiday lights? Take your non-working lights to your closest MOM's before January 31, remove them from any bag(s), and place them in the designated Holiday Lights recycling bin(s). Capitol Asset Recycling will collect lights and break them down to recover raw commodities that are then used to create things like roofing, construction materials, car batteries and other electronics, flatware, jewelry, and more. Talk about reusing! Many thanks to our corporate partner MOM's for promoting recycling through their annual Holiday Lights Recycling Drive. For a full list of what they accept for recycling or to learn more about MOM's purpose, to protect and restore the environment, visit their website. | | FACS Apologizes for Errors Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions is committed to science-based, ethical, and moral climate advocacy. Recently, we did not meet our high standards for accuracy in analysis of air pollution emitted by the Covanta Fairfax trash incinerator. Initial analysis by FACS Board Chair, Eric Goplerud, of the components of air pollution produced by the Covanta plant and by other Covanta incinerators internationally contained errors that were both minor and major. Those errors overstated Covanta’s emissions of toxic pollutants and were used in public statements by FACS Advocacy Chair Scott Peterson at a CECAP taskforce meeting and by other FACS activists. We apologize for those errors. A revised analysis of Covanta pollution, undertaken in consultation with two outside experts, is not yet complete. The fact remains that, according to EPA data, the Covanta Fairfax incinerator is the biggest single source of CO2 emissions in the County. We look forward to working with Covanta, government officials, and the community to reduce carbon pollution for the benefit of all living in Fairfax County and the region. | | | | | | | Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions PO Box 2012 | Reston, Virginia 20195 703-239-3748 | info@faithforclimate.org | | | | | | | | |