| Local climate solutions powered by faith communities. | | FACS Sues Youngkin Administration to Save RGGI On July 31, the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) filed a notice of intent to challenge the Air Pollution Control Board and Governor Youngkin’s unlawful decision to remove Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Virginians overwhelmingly support RGGI, which has already lowered power plant emissions by 16.8% and generated over $650 million for vital climate projects. SELC filed the appeal on behalf of Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, Appalachian Voices, Association of Energy Conservation Professionals, and Virginia Interfaith Power and Light, and aims to protect the Commonwealth’s commitment to tackling climate change. | | | | | Invasive Removal Grant Opportunity for Faith Communities in Fairfax County The Audubon-at-Home program, Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, and Plant NOVA Natives will award ten mini-grants of $3,000 to rescue trees threatened by certain invasive plants. If your faith community is located in Fairfax County with common open space in need of tree rescues, you may be eligible to apply. The grant calls for a pre-application visit conducted by an Audubon-at-Home Ambassador prior to the application deadline of September 30, 2023. Read more about the grant and apply for a pre-application visit here. To have FACS assist your faith community apply for this grant, email info@faithforclimate.org. | | | | | Congratulations to FACS board member, Jo Doumbia! FACS is proud to celebrate one of our board members, Jo Doumbia, for being selected as a Fairfax County Park Authority 2023 Outstanding Volunteer! A Master Naturalist, Jo serves at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center as a front desk volunteer-on-duty and engages visitors in both English and Spanish. Jo also plans and hosts nature outreach activities with neighborhood Community Centers. Through her vision and efforts, she has brought Hidden Oaks’ nature interpretation programs to a more diverse audience, including those who are low-income and may otherwise not be able to participate in a paid program. FACS is grateful to have Jo as a part of our organization. Credit to FCPA/Hidden Oaks. | | | | Participate in VDOT's Survey on EV Charging Stations FACS encourages you to complete VDOT's survey on installing EV charging stations across Virginia. Over the next five years, the Commonwealth is investing $100 million in federal funding from the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program to install these EV charging stations, and VDOT needs your feedback for its planning. Complete the survey here. If your faith community is interested in installing an EV charging station, FACS can help! Email us at info@faithforclimate.org. | | | | | Nature Corner For so many people, gardening is more than a hobby, it is a passion. In recent weeks we have been facing difficult times due to the impacts of climate change. As a gardener and steward of the environment, there are thoughtful ways to make a positive impact on your backyard and your community. Read here to better understand how people can use their gardens to create climate solutions. | | | | | | | | HUB UPDATES BELOW Be sure to visit our online calendar to see when Hub monthly meetings happen, what FACS events are on the horizon, and what community events are being planned by other groups. | | | | | Central Valley Hub Updates July was a slow month as many of us have been on vacation or hosting family gatherings. Two more local congregations have responded to our questionnaire about what they are doing in response to climate issues and creation care. One is considering natural burial in their cemetery and planting more trees on their 14 acre property. The other congregation has supported the installation of a water filtration system in Central America. We plan to be in conversation with them about how we can collaborate in the future. A group of local climate organizations, including Shenandoah Valley Faith & Climate and Climate Action Alliance of the Valley received exciting news that Clean Virginia awarded us a $35,000 grant to continue our collaborative energy efficiency and house weatherization project for low-income households with Community Housing Partners (CHP). This grant will expand our initial pilot project with COSPU (a Latinx nonprofit in Harrisonburg) to build organizational capacity (training, staff time, and case management) to work within the community to publicize and facilitate applications for weatherization and energy efficiency services through CHP. Our pilot project was funded by a $3,500 grant from the Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalists. We give an enormous thank you to Joy Loving for writing our grant application. | | | | | Fairfax County Hub Updates Members of our HUB are part of the Environment Quality Advisory Council, which recently made strong recommendations about the building and placement of Data Centers. Data centers suck up enormous amounts of energy; so much that all of our energy reductions have been overtaken by their use! They also produce immense amounts of heat and noise. Northern Virginia is rapidly being overtaken by them. Our Loudoun FACS group has a video presentation about this. For the fall, we’re setting up speakers for the Hub meetings. What would you like to hear about? - Reduce energy burden for low-income households
- Solar on all county/city-owned buildings, education for homeowners and businesses
- Low carbon transportation: buses, EV chargers, biking, walking, and transit
- Public schools: electric buses, net zero schools, workforce development,
- environmental stewardship
- Tree canopies: expanding and conserving
- Zero waste/recycling/composting
Read here how this hub is putting Faith Into Action. If you are not already on our list, sign up for Fairfax updates here. If you have any questions, please email kristin.rosenthal@gmail.com. | | | | | | Loudoun County Hub Updates Loudoun Hub participated in a meeting with Rep. Jennifer Wexton. Questions focused on the data center's energy use, impact on utility rates and adequate electrical supply; support of the IRA implementation and healthy homes legislation; responses to the Mountain Valley Pipeline; and that federal contracts for internet cloud services be provided by data centers powered by renewables. Rep. Wexton was asked to join the Congressional Electrification Caucus. Twenty-five percent of commercial electricity in VA goes to data centers. We attended Dominion Energy’s Open House on the projected Electricity Transmission Line routes in Loudoun County. Jean spoke about FACS and the Loudoun Hub at the July 16 worship service of UU Sterling; she is invited to speak with the Social Justice Committee. Fourteen people toured the Loudoun Waste Management Landfill. Factoid: The most recycled item in the nation is batteries. Sign up for Loudoun updates if you are not already on our list. If you have any questions, please email info@faithforclimate.org. | | | | Arlington County Hub Updates The FACS Arlington Hub met socially in July. We had an impressive turnout and talked about a lot of things including the September Hub meeting. For that meeting - Wednesday, September 6, at 7 PM - we'll review the content of our Hub meetings for the past year and, from that, identify a few topics that we'll want to take on as Hub activities. We've had several discussions about local climate related initiatives in Arlington, and now we'll create plans to support them within our communities. The Arlington FACS Hub typically meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 PM, virtually. However, we're not meeting in August, and our September meeting will be in person. Sign up for Arlington updates if you are not already on our list. If you have any questions, please email info@faithforclimate.org. | | | | City of Alexandria Hub Updates In July, hub members met with the City of Alexandria's new Climate Action Officer, Ryan Freed. We introduced our group and the FACS organization, and he shared some exciting initiatives that his office will be coordinating this fall and winter. Our FACS hub looks forward to being involved and spreading the word among local faith communities to encourage their engagement. The FACS Alexandria hub will organize an end-of-summer meet-up to socialize and discuss fall activities. Sign up for Alexandria updates if you are not already on our list. If you have any questions, please email info@faithforclimate.org. | | | | Join a Local Advocacy Hub! Stay connected with local news, meeting reminders, advocacy opportunities and action alerts, community wins, and more! | | | | | FACS' Monthly Sustainability Tip With rising temperatures, our friends, family, and neighbors could be struggling due to heat waves. Remember to check on those around especially the elderly, young, sick, and poor. Make sure they have access to air conditioning or a cooling center. Together, we can help those facing heat related illness. | | | | | | Inspired to give beyond time and talent? Donate today and support FACS' work. | | | | | | | Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions PO Box 2012 | Reston, Virginia 20195 703-239-3748 | info@faithforclimate.org | | | | | | | | |