Join us Tuesday, January 16 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm EST for an informative session on HVACS, heat pumps, and financing.
This webinar features industry trailblazers Scott Donelson, President of Home Energy Medics, and Alison Derevensky, Enterprise Associate with BlocPower. Scott and Alison will share their insights on building energy efficiency and renewable energy project management and financing. You'll also be inspired by firsthand accounts from congregation green leads that have gone through HVAC, heat pump upgrades successfully.
We hope you will join us! And invite your friends and fellow faith community members!
Tree of Life focuses on native plants and trees, removing invasive species, composting, and more!
Powered by renewable energy, Solar Sanctuaries will save lives in the face of increasing extreme weather.
Creation Care Kitchens focus on saving food, vegan options, zero waste, energy efficient appliances, and more.
FACS TRANSIT CORPS supports walking, biking, and transit. The cleanest car is the car not driven!
CLEAN CARS are electric and powered by renewable energy.
We're excited to see you at the Why is my sanctuary so cold? HVAC, heat pumps, and financing webinar on January 16 at 7:00pm! A registration confirmation is on its way to your inbox.
Together we can make a difference!