@ Meridian High School, 121 Mustang Alley, Falls Church, VA 22043
Be part of an important conversation on how our local schools are tackling the climate crisis and making a difference in our communities!
This event features two engaging panels:
This is our 8th annual Climate Crisis Forum and our first focused on Green Schools for Sustainable Communities.
Fairfax County Public Schools
Dr. Francisco Durán
Arlington Public Schools
Dr. Aaron Spence
Loudoun County Public Schools
Dr. Peter Noonan
Falls Church City Public Schools
Thank you for registering for FACS' 8th Annual Virginia Climate Crisis Forum: Green Schools for Sustainable Communities!
A confirmation has been sent to your email. You will receive a Google Calendar invite soon. Keep an eye out for future email updates and communications.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email info@faithforclimate.org.